해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Black SOLO Seat Bracket Spring Base Mount Kit Barrel Spring For Sportster Chopper Bobber Custom Dyna

상품번호 B073FCWMR6
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상품구분 Automotive / Motorcycle & Powersports
브랜드 Brand: HANSWD
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $46.99
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Durable construction with a spring base mount kit ensures optimal comfort and support during long rides.Fits \'04-\'06 and \'10-later XL ,Dyna 2006-2016Material: Heavy duty Steel made of the bracket mounting hardware,Black leather and the neoprene foam made of the SeatEasy installation process with the included bracket kit, making it suitable for DIY enthusiasts.Package included: 1x Solo seat + 1x Mount bracket + 1x Seat Base + 2 x Springs
The solo seat with spring and bracket mounting hardware fits for most of Harley Honda Yamaha Kawasaki Suzuki Sportster Bobber Chopper and Custom application. This solo seat features a firm and durability but comfortable seating surface and great looks. It is perfect for customizing your bike. Synthetic Leather and neoprene foam made of the seat. Heavy duty Steel made of the bracket mounting hardware. Features: Condition:100% Brand New Color:Black Material: Heavy duty Steel made of the bracket mounting hardware Black leather and the neoprene foam made of the Seat Size:As the picture show Fitment: Please check the size of the brackets and screw Universal Fits for most of Harley Honda Yamaha Kawasaki Suzuki Sportster Bobber Chopper and Custom application. (PLZ MAKE SURE IT WILL FIT YOUR BIKE BEFORE BIDDING.THANK YOU. ) Package Include: 1 × Solo Seat 1 × Mount bracket 2 × Springs 1 × Seat Base IMPORTANT NOTE Due to this seat belong to modification parts, Pls compare it with your bike\'s size before buy it, If you have any confuse pls contact us, If not, We would not accept refund or return,thx! Compatibility just for your reference.plz double check the size to make sure for the fitment. Will fit most of Harley Honda Yamaha Kawasaki Suzuki Sportster Bobber Chopper and Custom application

2024-09-04 22:23:32

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