해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Chef'n PalmPeeler Vegetable Peeler

상품번호 B073SKB8ZS
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상품가격 $7.55
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FUN VEGGIE PREP: The ergonomic design of our vegetable peeler fits comfortably in your hand to effortlessly peel fruits and veggies in seconds.BLADE GUARD INCLUDED: Your fingers will be kept safe with the included blade guard on this vegetable peeler. Plus, it keeps the stainless steel swivel-blade sharper, longer.TIME SAVER: The PalmPeeler Veggie Peeler features a built-in stainless steel eye remover; you can easily and quickly remove sprouts on potatoes and the like, without changing your grip, or your kitchen tool.COMPACT STORAGE: This kitchen gadget has a slim shape, perfect for drawer storage.EASY TO CLEAN: Top-rack dishwasher safe.
Now introducing an updated take on this award-winning Chef\'n classic! The reimagined Chef’n PalmPeeler features an ergonomic shape and stainless steel loop eyer for more efficient vegetable peeling and sprout removing. Protect your fingers while you effortlessly peel fruits and veggies in seconds with this fun and simple design. Stores away neatly and is top-rack dishwasher safe. Chef’n designs fun and innovative gadgets to encourage exploration in the kitchen, and make pesky cooking tasks more enjoyable. Clever cooking and happy kitchens with Chef’n!

2024-02-13 11:51:11

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