해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Husband Pillow XXL Chocolate Backrest with Arms - Adult Reading Pillow Shredded Memory Foam, Ultra-Comfy Removable Microplush Cover & Detachable Neck Roll, Unmatched Support Bed Rest Sit Up Pillow

상품번호 B073WLGDDX
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Bedding
브랜드 Visit the Husband Pillow Store
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상품가격 $79.95
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MicroplushPerfect backrest pillow: bigger and better than the rest! Far more than just an ordinary back pillow, the husband pillow serves as a sturdy and full-formed bed backrest that supports the entire upper body as no other pillow can. Just look at those generous dimensions!Ultimate bed backrest: you will feel comfortable with this supreme support pillow that is filled with premium shredded memory foam and features a smooth highest quality microplush cover. The husband pillow creates the perfect back support in bed for sleeping, resting, lounging, reading and bedrest.Best rest pillow and beyond: smile...Knowing your money goes further, when you buy this ultra comfy support pillow that includes a detachable neck roll pillow on bungee and a built-in side pocket to hold your remote, phone, etc. As well as an additional back pocket to hold your glasses, a book or magazine, the neck roll or removable covers, or anything else you want close at hand while in bed.Versatile and portable: features “adjustable loft”. The zipper on the inner shell allows you to add or remove foam for individualized comfort, or shift the foam around in certain areas to achieve support just where you want it. We can even provide extra foam if more “Stuffing” is needed. What’s more, the husband pillow is easy to take along with you anywhere you go, with its handy built-in handle at the top. It makes your hotel stay more comfortable, if you have a comfy back pillow to watch tv.Comfort Guarantee: The superior quality and workmanship of the husband pillow is backed by our promised to resolve all issues . This pillow is taller and wider than the leading backrest pillows available, measuring a generous 31 inches in height. In addition, we sell extra covers, should you ever want to change colors or replace the cover.

2024-05-15 04:28:16

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