해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Christopher Knight Home Alma Mid-Century Wood Dining Set with Fabric Chairs, 5-Pcs Set, Natural Oak / Dark Grey

상품번호 B0748MZ7W2
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상품가격 493.02
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Add the perfect amount of Modern to your dining room space. With matching wood finishes and contemporary Styling, this Set is a must have. The mid-century feel comes to life with both the chairs and the legs of the table. Featuring the ideal amount of Modern touches, This Set is sure to both PLEASE and satisfy in every wayIncludes: four (4) dining chairs and one (1) tableChair dimensions: 19. 50"D x 19. 50"W x 31. 50"HChair Cushion material: fabric | chair Fabric color available in: light beige or Dark GreyChair frame material: Solid rubberwood | chair and table frame Finish: natural oak | assembly requiredShips in several boxes, may ship separately
Add the perfect amount of modern to your dining room space. With matching wood finishes and contemporary styling, this set is a must have. The mid-century feel comes to life with both the chairs and the legs of the table. Featuring the ideal amount of modern touches, This set is sure to both please and satisfy in every way. Product details Includes: four (4) dining chairs and one (1) table chair cushion material: Fabric composition: 100% polyester chair frame material: Solid rubberwood table material: rubberwood with faux wood overlay chair Fabric color Available in: Light beige or Dark Grey chair and table frame finish: natural Oak assembly required Chair Dimensions: 19. 50"D x 19. 50"W x 31. 50"H Seat Length: 18. 00" Seat Width: 17. 00" Seat Height: 18. 50" Table dimensions: 35. 50"D x 59. 00"W x 29. 50"H.

2024-05-15 08:16:00

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