해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WOODRIVER Socket Chisel 3/4"

상품번호 B074Q46JKY
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상품가격 $52.48
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Forged from 100 CR-V steel. This alloy holds an edge that is also impact resistant.Factory-ground 25° bevelTempered in salt bath to HRC58-633/4" Wide Blade length is 4"; Overall length is 9-5/8" to 9-7/8" - Each chisel ships with WoodRiver Silicon Chisel GuardsLooking for the perfect Holiday Gift? WoodRiver is proudly made by Woodcraft, America’s leading supplier of high-quality woodworking hand tools, power tools, domestic and exotic wood, shop supplies, project plans and kits, plus so much more! Our family of brands include Woodcraft tools and supplies, Highpoint professional-grade fasteners and hardware, and Pinnacle precision-engineered tools, for the holidays.
The WoodRiver Bevel Edge Socket Chisel, the transition from the “flat” of the back to the socket was developed with a gradual slope. This avoids the back of the chisel from suddenly lifting on longer paring operations. The side bevels sweep back towards the centerline, allowing the chisel access to tight corners, which is imperative for dovetail work. The resulting flat area or “land” is a consistent 0.7mm – narrow enough for tight access but wide enough to prevent an troublesome sharp edge. The complete tool is designed with balance in mind to increase comfort and performance. Each chisel incorporates a lightly finished Bubinga handle fitted to the socket. Our end result is a chisel that will give years and years of service and will become a favorite in your shop. About Us: Founded in Boston in 1928, Woodcraft\'s operations were moved to Parkersburg, West Virginia in 1989. It\'s been over 90 years since Woodcraft first began selling high quality woodworking tools and supplies out of a one room shop in Boston\'s North End, and Woodcraft is still firmly committed to providing woodworkers with superior products and expert advice. We are America’s leading supplier of saws, hand planes, power tools, hand tools, wood stain and finishes, routers, sanding supplies, wood, wood turning project kits, dust collection, and wood carving tools. We also offer a wide selection of woodworking plans, books and videos. Our family of brands includes WoodRiver, Highpoint, Woodcraft, Pinnacle and Woodcraft Magazine.

2025-01-09 11:12:41

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