해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cygolite Dice HL– 150 Lumen Bike Light– 6 Night & 2 Daytime Modes– Ultra Compact Design– IP64 Water Resistant– Sturdy Flexible Mount– USB Rechargeable Headlight - for Aero Road & Commuter Bicycles

상품번호 B074W5T1TZ
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상품가격 $28.70
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Powerful 150 Lumen USB rechargeable bicycle headlight featuring a compact low profile design for road cycling and commuting8 LIGHTING MODES for Day and Night Use: Boost - High - Medium - Low - SteadyPulse Low - SteadyPulse High - DayLightning Triple Flash - DayLightning Single FashEXCLUSIVE STEADYPULSE mode alerts motorists with attention grabbing light pulses while its overlapping steady beam constantly lights your way at night. DAYLIGHTNING FLASH bursts lightning-like flashes to make you stand out on busy roads in broad daylightOnly one cubic inch in size; extra wide, long range beam; USB charging; low battery indicator; water resistant; weighs only 30 gramsDESIGNED, ENGINEERED, AND ASSEMBLED IN THE USA. Cygolite is the proven American bicycle light brand with exclusive designs and innovations crafted into quality products that are on the leading edge of safety
You\'d never expect this much power packed into one cubic inch, but we did exactly that. Packed with more technology than meets the eye, the new Dice 150 fires up the night with an incredible 150 lumens, and stands out in broad daylight with intense lightning-like flashes. It also senses day and night, automatically switching to the optimal flash mode. Engineered for road cyclists, it uses a low profile, flexible mount designed for most handlebars including aerobars.

2024-07-10 14:44:27

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