해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Best Straight Razor Set - Shave Ready Straight Razor Kit, Solid Straight Razor Shaver, Biblical Wood Straight Razor, Japanese Steel, Mens Straight Razor, Best Gifts For Men (Black)

상품번호 B075FXTMHY
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상품구분 Beauty & Personal Care / Shave & Hair Removal
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상품가격 115.50
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? WOMEN WILL LOVE YOUR SEXY FACE - Imagine a face that is so soft to the touch that you become irresistible. That will be your face after you shave with your new professional Naked Armor straight razor. For a close shave at home and on the road, this straight razor for men is the perfect choice for you. GET THE BEST STRAIGHT RAZOR SHAVE OF YOUR LIFE EVERY DAY. "With this 15.7cm blade, you get the perfect mixture of strength & precision to shave your beard and mustache." ~ James, FL? DURABLE, LONG-LASTING STYLISH STRAIGHT RAZOR - Nothing gives you a great shave like a genuine Japanese steel blade honed to perfection. The Naked Armor straight edge razors for men feature a durable biblical algum wood handle + accented with 115-grain two-sided gold copper heads to give you the perfect equilibrium. The blade is relatively wide, making it an ideal beginner blade as it’s easier to get the correct angle.? PERFECT GIFT FOR DAD, HUSBAND, BROTHER - Naked Armor mens straight razor is the perfect men\'s gift for the stylish man in your life. Give the gift of looking good, feeling great, and being irresistibly handsome with this new straight edge razor. Naked Armor facial hair straight razor includes a leather travel case. Wood, leather, and steel come together in this beautiful samurai straight razor that will last for decades.✅ STROP & SHAVE - Once you get your new barber straight razor, please give it a good strop the night before you shave. Naked Armor straight razor comes ready to shave after a quick strop. Just strop and let it sit overnight to ensure the vintage straight edge razor is ready for a new shave. The Naked Armor straight razor is the perfect straight razor for beginners that want a professional-grade blade.? YOUR LIFETIME & MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - You will love the Naked Armor straight razors for men. Our warranty is simple and straightforward. If you don’t like it for any reason, we will offer you a refund, a FREE HONE, or an exchange for one of our products. Naked Armor straight razors have kept 1000s of men (and their women) happy with awesome-looking faces made for touching and kissing. Buy this barber straight razor today. Surprise him this year with an awesome gift, he will be happy.

2024-11-29 01:26:20

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