해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wink Well Baby Teething Relief for Infants and Kids, Cooling, Soothing Natural Gel for Sore Gums and Other Teething Discomfort, May Be Used As A Toddler Training Toothpaste (15 ml)

상품번호 B075K339YJ
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상품가격 $9.49
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KEEP YOUR LITTLE ONE COMFY AND HAPPY: This all natural teething gel is fast relief for your little one\'s swollen or painful gums (and for your sanity!) during teething.SIMPLE, SAFE FORMULA FOR BABIES: Rest assured that this baby teething medicine gel is 100% drug-free with no preservatives, unnecessary additives or any ingredient/chemical that could be potentially toxic to babies. Simple, safe, formula for babies.NATURAL AND CLINICALLY-PROVEN INGREDIENTS: The infant teething gel calms and soothes tender gums with some of the mildest ingredients from mother nature, such as aloe leaf juice, chamomilla flower extract, licorice root extract (all soothing agents), menthol and peppermint oil (for cooling effect).MANUFACTURED IN THE USA: Wink Well teething baby gel is manufactured in the United States. We make these products for our own families to use so you can have confidence in our products for your family.HOW TO USE: To use the baby teething gel, apply a pea-sized amount to the gums as needed for fast relief.

2024-07-11 14:06:17

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