해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Infusion Fruit Infuser Water Bottle - BPA Free Insulated Water Bottle, Reusable Water Bottle with Fruit Infuser, Easy-to-Clean Gym Accessories for Women, Sports Water Bottle, Savvy Outdoors

상품번호 B075QV41Y9
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상품가격 $19.95
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PRACTICAL DESIGN: Holding up to 24oz and 32oz, our infusion water bottle makes staying hydrated easier. It features an ergonomic handled screw cap with a silicon seal to ensure it\'s 100% leakproof and carbonation-friendly! This infusion water bottle makes an excellent gift option.PERFECT FOR TRAVEL: Savvy Outdoors Fruit Infuser Water Bottle is lightweight and easy to take on the go. It serves as a great companion to the beach, gym, hiking trips, or just an afternoon around town, especially when you are looking for a soda substitute that\'s fruity and refreshing. Most importantly, it fits in most standard card cup holders.SUPERIOR QUALITY: The BPA-free fruit infuser bottle from Savvy Outdoors will keep your fruit-flavored water fresh and tasty. Made with durable plastic called Tritan, it\'s tough enough to resist breakage even if you drop it on the ground or throw it in some sand at camp.EASY TO CLEAN & ASSEMBLE: Our water bottle is dishwasher safe, making cleanup a breeze. You can also clean it traditionally with a washcloth or sponge if you prefer. Moreover, it only requires minor assembly after cleaning. Simply insert the infuser, add your favorite fruits or vegetables, and fill with water to infuse.EYECANDY CHOICES: This bottle infuser comes in an array of fun colors, making it a must-have for travel, sports & outdoors. Choose among teal, red, pink, green.black, blue, and rose gold. Whether it\'s for personal use or a gift for someone special, this Fruit Infuser Water Bottle is an excellent choice.

2024-07-10 05:41:33

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