해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MediCrystal Infrared Heat Amethyst Tourmaline Mini Mat - 32" L x 20" W - Natural Crystals - Adjustable FIR Heating 86°-158°F - Deep Warming Hot Stone Pad - for Back Health - Original Manufacturer

상품번호 B0764GF4ZD
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상품가격 $299.00
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HIGH QUALITY: 18-layer system, EMF FREE with overheat protection and professional controller to set and maintain 86°-158°F (30-70C). Auto shut-off functionality.FUNCTIONS: When stones get warm, they naturally release negative ions and far infrared heat. Amethyst isolates and concentrates healing crystal rays in the most absorbable wave length range of 4-16µm with energy peaks at 6 and 12 microns, which penetrate 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) deep into the tissues.LUXURY DESIGN: Sweat-resistant artificial human-made red-violet suede and heat-stable PU film for the triangle-shaped window showing crystals underneath.NATURAL GEMSTONES: Untreated, unpainted, 100% Natural Purple Amethyst crystals and Black Tourmaline. Amethyst has been recognized as the most valuable healing crystal since ancient times.SPA-LIKE THERAPY IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME: Hot Stone FIR sessions provide a soothing environment helpful to detoxify the body and maintain the immune system, circulation, metabolism, weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levelsPAIN MANAGEMENT: Manage discomfort in your back, joints and muscles. Start to feel better immediately after the first use!INCLUDED: The set includes the mat, controller with wires, multilayer waterproof protective cover, 3-D air mesh cushioning pad, storage handbag, and user guide.WORRY FREE PURCHASE: VIP-level customer service. 2-year full warranty. Lifelong trade-in policy.GIFT OF WELLNESS: Perfect practical and luxurious gift for yourself or a loved one in a cold climate or simply looking for relaxation and warmth.

2025-01-11 09:49:25

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