해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SUAOKI Portable Power Station, 150Wh Camping Generator Lithium Power Supply with Dual 110V AC Outlet, 4 DC Ports, 4 USB Ports, LED Flashlights for Road Trip Camping Travel Emergency Backup

상품번호 B076PR4TBZ
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Generators & Portable Power
브랜드 Brand: SUAOKI
판매자 SUAOKI Direct
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $125.99
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【BE COMPACT, BE EFFICIENT】 SUAOKI S270 is not only the most compact power station in the market, but also features as many output ports as possible, think of it, size of two coffee mugs hold 150wh capacity and 10 various outlet ports, how convenient will be when you carry this 2.90 lbs weight portable generator for outdoor activites or camping, 2 hideable handles make it even more portable. If this is your first time to using a power station, this would be you best choice for the price【3 RECHARGE METHODS】 SUAOKI S270 emergency battery supply provides three recharging methods: 1) it takes about 7-8 hours to be fully recharged by AC 110v wall socket, ; 2) by using SUAOKI 60W or 100W solar panel kit (sold separately, recommended), this solar generator can be recharged under direct sun light, the bulid-in MPPT solar charge controller enables quick and smart charge; 3) it also can be recharged through 12V/24V car cigarette socket. (3 types of charging cable is included)【SAFE, RELIABLE】 Here we bring you this advanced portable generator that passed UL Certification which means absolutely safe and reliable. Battery management system (BMS) enables voltage, temperature control and more advanced safeguards, no harmful to your digital devices. Built-in LED flashlights have two models of light for blackout or emergency case such as hurricane supplies (strobe and normal-lit, bright enough to see 50 feet away); indicator lights show the residual battery capacity【WARRANTY】 SUAOKI brand seller offers 7*24 friendly customer service, 30 days money back guarantee, 24 months warranty, life time support. What you get: SUAOKI S270 portable power station, 3 types of mentioned charging cable (AC plug, car cigarette plug, solar panel cable), DC to car cigarette female socket, multilingual user guide, service card

2020-05-10 17:10:17

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