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Ducati Redline Backpack by Ogio Black 981040453

상품번호 B077BFLM4V
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상품가격 $81.50
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Official Ducati Product.Part Number: 981040453Backpack KnapsackMultiple pockets
Redline B2 is a linear and functional knapsack made by Ogio exclusively for Ducati. The outer pockets are organized with various partitions, like the main compartment that also contains a padded pocket for laptops measuring up to 15 inches. The exterior features adjustable straps with clasp at chest height, back with ventilated 3D mesh insert, and a waterproof cover that can be used when needed. The Redline B2 knapsack is a very useful accessory both on and off the motorcycle. - 47 x 31.7 x 21.6 cm - 0.8 Kg - 29.5 l - Personalised lining. - 3 outer pockets. - Front compartment with organizer panel and zippered valuables pocket. - Back in 3D mesh to increase ventilation and comfort. - Lightweight ergonomic shoulder straps with sternum strap. - Waterproof rain cover with reflecting detail for night visibility. - Ergonomic, padded and fully adjustable riding specific shoulder straps with quick release exit buckle.

2024-09-05 03:45:06

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