해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Medical Alert Bracelet - Emergency Alert Bracelet - Personalized Medical ID Bracelet - Custom Engraved Medical Bracelet - Senior Safety Bracelet - Alzheimer's Alert Bracelet

상품번호 B077CXJZGK
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
브랜드 Brand: Performance IDs
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 21.99
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Introducing our silicone customized medical alert bracelet, a practical and stylish accessory designed to keep you safe and protected in case of emergencies. This bracelet is made from high-quality silicone material, known for its durability, flexibility, and comfort. The main feature of this medical alert bracelet is its customizability. You can personalize it with important medical information, such as allergies, medical conditions, emergency contact details, or any other pertinent information that medical professionals need to know in case of an emergency. This ensures that even if you are unable to communicate, medical personnel can quickly access vital information to provide you with the appropriate care. The customization process is simple and convenient. The information is engraved onto the silicone bracelet matte finished plate using laser technology, ensuring a clear and long-lasting result. The engraving is deep and prominent, making it easy to read and identify in emergency situations. The silicone material used for this bracelet is hypoallergenic, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive skin. It is also waterproof, allowing you to wear it during activities such as swimming or showering without worrying about damage or fading of the engraving. Our silicone customized medical alert bracelet is an essential accessory for individuals with medical conditions, allergies, or specific health needs. It provides a simple and effective way to communicate important information to medical professionals in case of emergencies. With its durability, comfort, and customizability, this bracelet is a reliable and fashionable choice for anyone looking for a medical alert accessory.

2024-09-30 20:33:00

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