해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
3-48 Inch All Natural Teddy Bear Cholla Wood Extra Hollow Large Untreated Organic Aquarium Driftwood Decoration Chew Toy Shrimp Crab Pleco Cichlid Nano Tank Birds 1 or 5 Pieces (1 Piece, 45 inch)

상품번호 B077KSQ3PG
상품상태 New    
브랜드 Brand: My Pet Patrol
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 9.94
상품가격 상세보기

All pieces uniformly cut. Extra hollow centers.All natural, organic free form cholla wood. ALL ANIMAL SAFE.Seller collected--no middle man.Ready for tank use out of box or can be boiled/soaked to remove excess tannins. End use determines if boiling/soaking is necessary. If it is needed, please note, sinking and removing excess tannins can take hours or even weeks to accomplish--it all depends on each individual piece of wood.Lowers and buffers pH naturally. Creates a biofilm that is beneficial to animals and overall tank stability.
Rarest of all cholla! Teddy Bear cholla wood that is extra hollow. Outside diameters range from 2 - 3.5". Inside diameter at least 1.25". Each piece is unique! Listing is for one piece of wood (select lengths have multiple quantity variations.) Buyer selects length from 3 to 48 inches. This cholla was collected in a natural (no chemicals used in the area, etc) area. We power wash these in 220 - 260 F water to get off dirt and debris and help release tannins--NO chemicals are used, ONLY water. No thorns!! Cholla is great for a variety of things--reptiles, hermit crabs, chinchillas, rabbits, aquariums, pleco, shrimp, birds, crafts, air plants...the list goes on! Just know that when you buy from me--I would never send you anything that I would not personally use in my own hermit crab setup that houses over 70 (yes, 70!) crabs. **Since cholla comes from the great outdoors, each piece will be unique--so various coloring, knots, curves, etc. should be expected.** To prepare the wood before placing in an aquarium or pet habitat, boil it or soak it in hot water to remove any native soils that may be present, reduce excess tannins and to make the wood sink. This process may take an hour or it may take several weeks--it all just depends on the wood. *This is done at your own risk--this may ruin the wood!* For proper husbandry information for hermit crabs, please visit Land Hermit Crab Owners Society on Facebook!

2024-06-04 19:40:30

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