해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Men's Long Sleeve Dress Shirts | Solid Colors & Convertible Classic French Cuffs | Roomiest Fit Button Up Dress Shirt | Cotton & Polyester Machine Washable Available Light Blue

상품번호 B077N4PJG5
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
브랜드 Brand: Berlioni
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $22.99
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Add some contemporary sleekness and flair to any look with this striking slim-fit dress shirt. Berlioni French convertible cuff collared dress shirt has an impeccable look and feel and is also very capable of lasting through frequent wear and regular washing. MODERN FIT TAILORING: The shirts are Classic fit which is the roomiest fit, cut broader across the shoulders and relaxed through the chest and body. A CONTEMPORARY LOOK: Featuring a tailored cut that skims closer to the body, this slim fit 65% Polyester, 35% Cotton dress shirt has a very sleek, sophisticated style that will pair wonderfully well with all suits, any pair of dress pants, and even with jeans. It also looks terrific under a sweater or a sport coat. PREMIUM FEATURES: ● Material: 60% Cotton 40% Polyester. ● The shirts are Classic fit which is the roomiest fit, cut broader across the shoulders and relaxed through the chest and body. ● Berlioni dress shirts feature spread collar and one pocket at chest. ● Convertible or French Cuffs offer the option to wear the cuffs either with the regular buttons or French Cuffs with cufflinks (not included). ● Soft and Comfortable the shirts are machine washable. ● Very inexpensive of great quality these men\'s dress shirts will become part of your wardrobe once you try them. CONVERTIBLE CUFFS: Wearable either buttoned shut or with cufflinks (not included) of your choosing, the cuffs offer an extra element of versatility and elegance. This shirt can be worn in two different ways; with cufflinks or with the shirt cuff buttons. Cufflinks in men\'s wear have soared in popularity over recent years, making the transition from "formal wear only," to a more universal style that can be worn at both formal and casual occasions. FANTASTIC SELECTION: Offered in a range of colors, it\'ll be easy to find one dress shirt or more that you love and hard to choose between them.

2024-10-02 23:21:11

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