해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ARRMA 1/10 dBoots Fortress MT 2.2/3.0 Pre-Mounted Tires, 14mm Hex, Black Chrome (2), ARAC9633

상품번호 B077XK1XM5
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상품가격 $23.67
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ARRMA AR550045 - DBoots Fortress MT 2.2/3.0 Pre-Mounted Tires, 14mm Hex, Black ChromeFeatures: Multi-surface \'FORTRESS\' tread pattern tires for awesome traction in all conditions High-quality rubber for long-lasting durability Pre-glued for trouble-free fit and fast servicing Multi-spoke design wheels for stylish looks and increased strength Tough nylon for durability on all surfaces 14mm hex for strength during extreme driving action and easy servicing High-quality foam with excellent memory return Specially designed to give the perfect balance oIncludes: (2) Black Wheels with pre-glued DBoots Fortress tires and foam insertsSpecs: Inner Tire / Outer Wheel Diameter: 2.2 / 3.0 in Scale: 1/10 Wheel Hex Size: 14mm Wheel Position: Front/Rear Wheel bead diameter: 2.8" Width: 2.1" Overall diameter: 5.0"Part number(s) included (in factory packaging): AR550045
This is a pair of DBoots Fortress MT tires, mounted on black chrome ARRMA wheels. Features: Multi-surface \'FORTRESS\' tread pattern tires for awesome traction in all conditions High-quality rubber for long-lasting durability Pre-glued for trouble-free fit and fast servicing Multi-spoke design wheels for stylish looks and increased strength Tough nylon for durability on all surfaces 14mm hex for strength during extreme driving action and easy servicing High-quality foam with excellent memory return Specially designed to give the perfect balance of aggressive grip and easy handling characteristics Includes: (2) Black Wheels with pre-glued DBoots Fortress tires and foam inserts Specs: Inner Tire / Outer Wheel Diameter: 2.2 / 3.0 in Scale: 1/10 Wheel Hex Size: 14mm Wheel Position: Front/Rear Wheel bead diameter: 2.8" Width: 2.1" Overall diameter: 5.0"

2024-09-05 08:32:55

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