해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bluemoon Homes Full Size 4 Piece Sheet Set - 1000 Thread Count - Breathable & Cool Sheets - Hotel Luxury Bed Sheets - 18" Deep Pockets, Easy-Fit, Extra Soft Sheets - Ivory Full Oeko-Tex Bed Sheets

상품번호 B0784BRV5Z
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상품가격 $89.99
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★ HIGHEST QUALITY EGYPTIAN COTTON SHEETS: New Better & Improved 2024 Version - If you love the luxury and durability of Hotel bed sheets and the look of crisp pillowcases, you’ll adore our Luxurious Sheets, 1000-thread-count. We use yarns made with 100% long staple cotton fibre and a gorgeous sateen weave. Our eco-friendly sheets retain softness for a lifetime and resist fading. Indulge in soft bed sheets with detailed hem styling, also available in your choice of colors and sizes.★ Full Sheet Set Sizes: 1 Fitted Sheet (54 X 75 X 18 Inches), 1 Flat Sheet (81 X 96 Inches) with Matching 2 Standard Pillowcases (20 X 30 Inches) Only and Fully elasticised fitted sheet pocket fits up to 18 inches deep mattresses. Recommended for regular wash & short dry cycles for superior softness.★ LUXURY AND FLAWLESS: Imagine the quality of hotel linens with the perfection of handcrafted 1000 TC sheets, all at an incredible price. This is our promise. Our products also undergo extensive checks to ensure that your 100% Egyptian cotton sheets will be defect-free, resistant to pilling and shrinking, and pure, just like industry-leading organic cotton sheets.★ TOP QUALITY: Our bedspreads are similar to the expensive hotel collections that you get in the market but our linens are sold at affordable rates. Our sheets look royal and are also super comphy. Our bedset go through rigorous quality check and clearances before they reach you. We are highest rated sellers in our category because of the style and quality that we offer to our customers. We make better homes.★ GUARANTEED SATISFACTION: We are committed to quality and customer satisfaction. In case you face any problem, you can write to us directly and get your grievances addressed immediately. Use contact seller option to raise complaints. Our Full bed sheets are great gift ideas for Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day and New Year’s gifts. Order our Full sheet set for the most comfortable experience. Leave a feedback after your purchase. Happy sleeping.

2024-07-10 18:35:36

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