해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Whiskey Stones Gift Set by Royal Reserve, Artisan Crafted Scotch Bourbon Glasses, Chilling Rocks, Coasters and Tongs – Whiskey Gifts for Men Dad Boyfriend Anniversary or Retirement

상품번호 B0786NBG4Q
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상품가격 $35.99
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No FabricPure Whiskey Enjoyment – Experience the full flavor of your whiskey with our whiskey glass set. The stones keep your drink perfectly chilled without dilution, making it ideal whiskey set for those who appreciate an undisturbed, leisurely sip.Perfect Gift for Him – A refined choice for gifts or any occasion. This whiskey set gifts for men adds elegance, whether for fathers, husbands, or groomsmen. Perfect for celebrations or adding a touch of class to any space.Refined Glassware – Elevate your home bar or man cave with these whiskey glasses for men. The lead-free glassware is perfect for serving a variety of drinks. Ideal for housewarmings, retirements, and birthdays—a must-have for whiskey enthusiasts.Complete Set – Our polished granite whiskey rocks offer a superior alternative to ice, keeping your tumblers scratch-free. This meticulously crafted whiskey kit makes an impressive gift for any gentleman who values quality.Quality Promise – We stand behind the exceptional craftsmanship of our whiskey glasses set of 2, ensuring that every detail meets our high standards. Our commitment to quality means you can enjoy a 1-year warranty & flavor-rich drinks

2024-10-02 02:07:55

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