해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Universal Baja Saddle Blanket Bench Full Size Seat Cover Fits Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, and Full Size Pickup Trucks (Brown)

상품번호 B078XCVKDK
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상품가격 $39.99
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LATEST DESIGN - Update your car seat with the classic and colorful Baja Inca saddle weave blanket design to instantly improve the look of your vehicle.POCKETS - Convenient front pockets provide storage for day-to-day use. Pockets extend across the entire front of the cover, offering space for every passenger to store their belongings.PERFECT PROTECTION - Made from thick, heavy-duty woven fabric that withstands intense wear.FITS - Suitable for full-size benches, trucks, SUVs, cars, back benches, and pickups’ front benches. Designed for solid bench seats only; does not work on split seat configurations.ONE-PIECE EASY INSTALLATION - Adjustable covers feature hook-and-loop fasteners for easy installation (instructions included). Simply slip on for a perfect fit. Easy to maintain. Not airbag compatible.
WEST COAST AUTO We design and manufacture the best quality automotive accessories. Our latest designs are US local designers who have a passion for quality and detail. WHY YOU NEED A SEAT COVER? If you have an aged car, it is time to refresh your aged seats. If you have naughty kids or pets, you need a seat cover to protect your car. This seat cover can protect your seats against spills, stains, fading, tearing, dirt, crumbs and pet hairs. Give the interior of your vehicle a facelift with this latest design. Baja blanket design breaks up the monotony of basic brown seats with our super soft, high quality fabric. WHY GO WEST COAST AUTO? HIGH QUALITY MATERIALS: Provides you with breathable comfort and premium quality finish. Elastic side fabric and adjustable straps to ensure this seat cover fits most cars, SUV, trucks and vans. Side airbag compatible, rear bottom seat cover and backrest cover comes separately, designed to accommodate infant/child car seats.

2025-01-10 09:20:52

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