해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Coils 5 Pack - Extendable, Expandable, Retractable Cable Tethers, Anti Theft Cable Locks, Security Cable with Nylon coated stainless steel wire, Free Crimping Tool, Secure Devices

상품번호 B078XR1K9K
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상품가격 $44.93
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PREVENT THEFT WITHOUT LOSING FLEXIBILITY - TetherTies Coils are expandable & retractable coiled security tether cables made of heavy duty wire, with a 270 lbs break strength, used to tether video adapters, power cords, and other computer peripherals in offices, classrooms, and public spaces. Our coiled tether cord extend up to 39 inches (1.0 meter) & retract to about 6 inches. They\'re perfect for securing Clickshare dongles and Barco adapters to conferences tables, so they stay in the correct conference room.FULLY ASSEMBLED - TetherTies is your hassle-free and super-fast tethering solution, so your IT team can install hundreds of tethers quickly. Just place the TetherTie over or around the item you desire to lock down, slide the cable until secure, and crimp it shut with the free crimping tool included. Each tether can be secured in place in a matter of seconds.BUDGET FRIENDLY – Keep your dongles secure with a strong and effective TetherTie - a trusted solution which costs less than 5% of the average dongle replacement price. Think of TetherTies cable adapter kit as your technology insurance policy, avoid having to replace when misplaced or "accidentally" removed from your office or workspace.AMERICAN-MADE QUALITY - TetherTies are made of USA high-quality, flexible, stainless-steel, nylon-coated wire cable that\'s been tested for strength. They are the most widely used and trusted solution available to keep your computer, adapters, and dongles secure with a durable yet minimalist design. Our quality can\'t be beat, and our large customer base of top Fortune 500 companies speaks to our reliability.A VARIETY OF SOLUTIONS - We help secure all types of power cords, adapters, remotes, tools and equipment in and outside of the office. Whether you need to keep tongs in the kitchen, bluetooth speakers in your hotel rooms, or stethoscopes by your patients\' bedsides, TetherTies is the most trusted solution on the market, and we offer many different styles of tethers to fit your every need.

2024-06-03 06:45:36

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