해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ROSCOEMEDICAL StimChoice Premium TENS Unit Pads, 44 Count, 2" X 2", Compatible with Most TENS Machines, TENS Electrodes Pads Value Pack, White Cloth

상품번호 B0797M1NLG
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상품가격 24.32
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PREMIUM QUALITY TENS UNIT REPLACEMENT PADS. 44 pack of TENS pads with pig-tail style lead wire interface, are reusable, comfortable and designed to evenly distribute the electrical currents, so you get the most benefit from your TENS treatment.COMFORTABLE & FLEXIBLE TENS PADS. While using stim pads on a TENS unit for pain management, rehabilitation, migraine pain, or massaging sore muscles, stay comfortable during treatment with our pre-gelled, self-adhesive electrodes for TENS unitUSE ELECTRODE PADS WITH A TENS UNIT. Use stim pads for pain relief with TENS units, Interferential (IF), Electronic Muscle Stimulator (EMS), NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) , Microcurrent Therapy (MICRO), & Russian Stim (RUSS) devices.TENS PADS APPROVED FOR USE WITH TENS 3000, TENS 7000 TENS machine, InTENSity 10, 12, Twin Stim III, Twin Stim IV & Plus 3rd Edition, InTENSity IF Combos, InTENSity 5000 Hybrid & many others you find onlinePREMIUM, MEDICAL-GRADE TENS ELECTRODES. Premium Quality TENS unit Electrodes TENS unit pads do not contain natural rubber latex. Our TENS electrode pads are durable to last for multiple uses
Product Description TENS Unit Pads - OEM Replacements For TENS Units. Compatible With Most TENS UnitsPremium Quality Electrodes provide an excellent quality electrode at an affordable price. The pig-tail style lead wire interface was designed to optimize current distribution across the pre-gelled self-adhesive pad. These medical-grade over-the-counter (OTC) TENS electrodes are reusable and come in a double sealed package to help prolong the life of each TENS Unit pad! TENS 7000 electrodes are durable, do not contain natural rubber latex and can last for many applications to the skin. Compatibility:TENS units pads are compatible with most TENS units, EMS, and other electrotherapy stimulation devices. Approved for use with the TENS 7000, TENS 7000 To Go, TENS 3000 & InTENSity models including: 10 12 Twin Stim III Twin Stim Plus 3rd Edition Twin Stim IV IF Combo IF Combo II Select Combo I & II Micro Combo 5000 Hybrid & InTENSity at Home. Comes In 11 Individual Packs, 44 Total PadsComes with 44 TENS Unit Pads that are multi-use, self-adhesive pads. Simply place the pads around the treatment area and select your intensity levels on your TENS unit for pain relief Your shipment will come with 11 individual packs. Each pack will contain 44 TENS electrode pads Each electrode pad comes with a 2.0mm pig tail style connection. Compatible with any lead wire that has a 2.0mm pin connector. SPECS OF THE REPLACEMENT PADS: 2.0mm Pig Tail Style ConnectionFlexible and strongDoes not contain natural rubber latexProvides great skin adhesion, self adhesiveWill last for multiple home therapy sessionsFits universal 2.0mm pigtail lead wires (used for most TENS devices)Pre-gelled, so no need for electrode gel or sprayDoes not contain natural rubber latex Manufacturer Contact Information 800.871.7858

2024-04-04 20:05:20

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