해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Himalaya Moisturizing Baby Bar, Mild and Moisturizing Bar Soap for Baby, 4.41 oz, 3 Pack

상품번호 B0799Q6NF1
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상품가격 $8.99
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WITH OLIVE AND ALMOND OIL: To nourish your baby’s skin at bath time and help soothe chafing with a mild, soothing baby bar that delicately cleans and replenishes lost moisture.CLEANS AND BALANCES YOUR BABY’S SKIN MOISTURE: Cleanses skin gently while maintaining the skin’s moisture equilibrium. Leaves skin clean, soft and moisturized. Perfect for winter and for baby’s dry skin too.DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED & MILD FOR BABY: Specially designed to preserve the health of your baby’s delicate and sensitive skin.FREE FROM COMMON CONCERNS: Free from parabens, animal fats, phthalates and synthetic colors.CRUELTY FREE: We care about our furry friends. That’s why we never test our personal care products on animals.
Himalaya Moisturizing Baby Bar is a mild and soothing cleansing bar that replenishes lost moisture while cleansing baby\'s skin gently. Olive Oil, enriched with Vitamin E, nourishes and softens your baby\'s skin and comforts chafing. It has soothing properties which keep your baby’s skin healthy and soft. And Almond Oil is an excellent skin softener, which helps moisturize, nourish and soften your baby’s skin.

2024-09-05 00:25:01

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