해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Single-Malt Whiskey Barrel Aged Coffee - Ground - Sumatra Beans Aged in Stout Whiskey Barrels -12 oz

상품번호 B079DH7XFZ
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상품가격 $26.95
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Whiskey Barrel Aged Coffee - Ground coffee artfully paired with Sons of Liberty Malt Whiskey: We pair our single origin sourced coffee beans with award winning SOL Malt Whiskey Barrels. Aged for 60 days then roasted fresh to perfection by the Master Roasters at Cooper\'s Cask Coffee.Amazing Taste Profile: Sumatra Grade 1 Single Origin Beans roasted to a Medium Level. The natural profile of the bean paired with the whiskey finish is extremely smooth.Individually Crafted: Our Master Roaster hand writes the roast date, lot number, and initials every bag. Appreciate the work of a master craftsman when you open the bag and smell the amazing aroma. A Cooper\'s coffee sample set or coffee gift box will delight loved ones and connoisseurs of coffee.Cooper\'s Quality: Always buy your coffee from a small batch Master Roaster. We’ve spent thousands of hours working on our craft. Therefore, we are confident that you will enjoy our coffee. If for any reason you do not love it, simply let us know, and we will issue a refund or replacement free of charge.Roasted By Cooper\'s Cask Coffee - A Small Batch Roasting Company - Roasting in small batches gives us the ability to maintain full control of the roast profile. This allows us to create amazing taste profiles for you to enjoy.

2024-10-31 21:04:27

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