해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
15 Ft Soft Gray Rubber Flexible Door Tape Edge Seal Guard Scratch Paint Protection Molding Trim (No More Messy Liquid Glue)

상품번호 B079KK2PR8
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상품구분 Automotive / Interior Accessories
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $12.98
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The Do-It-Yourself kit will include (1) piece of trim molding strip measuring 16 feet (5 Meters) in length. This Trim is made of Soft Rubber Material. It flexiable to fit all styles of door or edges.I\'ts not like others some cheap hard plastic U Shape Edge Guard.NO MORE LIQUID GLUE inside the trim. Self Adhesive tape to avoid mess up your paint. Liquid glue will melt when the weather is hot or the temperature is higher than 75 degree. And those bad trims will slide out from the door once the glue is metl.Heavy Duty use and it\'s created for aeronautic industry. Can be protect from chips and abrasion.
This Soft Rubber Flexible Paint Protection Door Edge Guard protects the leading edge of your vehicle with the application of a thin and virtually undetectable clear urethane film. This protection guid fit for all vehicle’s make and model. You get maximum coverage on the most chip prone areas. Best of all, this durable trim has a clear-coat finish for maximum shine. This protective trim is easily maintained with no special care required. Just wash and wax like you always have before! If necessary, this film can be removed with ZERO damage to painted surfaces. Specific Easy to install, and it can be done in 20 minutes Size: 16ft (5 Meter) length Flexiable to fit all styles of door or edges It\'s not like others some cheap hard plastic edge guard Heavy Duty Urethane resistant; UV resistant Protect from chips and abrasion Installation Guide included

2024-07-09 21:15:45

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