해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MontoPack Aluminum Disposable Loaf Pans | Deep Standard Size 8.5” x 4.5” Extra Thick Foil Bread Containers for Baking, Food Storage & Takeout | Eco-Friendly & Recyclable | Bulk 50-Pack 2 Pound Trays

상품번호 B079MHS5KL
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상품가격 $17.99
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MEET THE GREATEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD: Our versatile loaf pans help you effortlessly prepare, transfer, and serve breads, cakes, casseroles, and other food without worry. Whether you’re baking banana bread or making meatloaf, MontoPack keeps it simple.STANDARD SIZE FITS ALL YOUR FAVORITE DISHES: With their deep, thick, angled walls and generous 2lb. capacity, our loaf liners are perfect for holding everything from pumpkin bread to chicken pot pie. No messy spills—just hot food cooked clean and delivered fresh.MADE OF HIGH-QUALITY, ECO-FRIENDLY ALUMINUM: Bake the world a better place! Fully recyclable, our large disposable food containers help reduce your carbon footprint. They also optimize airflow during cooking, promoting proper heat distribution for tasty results.SUPER STURDY FOR SPILL-PROOF FOOD STORAGE: Despite their lightweight convenience, our foil baking loafs promise heavy-duty performance for a variety of uses. Great for holding bread, cookie and cake batters, fruit and veggie salads, quiches, and beyond.ALL YOU KNEAD FOR BAKING & ENTERTAINING: Our multipurpose silver trays are affordable, durable, versatile, reusable—and disposable. Cleanup is truly a breeze: wash and dry pans to reuse them later, or simply toss in the recycling for the ultimate post-party convenience.

2024-07-10 21:19:40

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