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Bumkins Baby Bowl, Silicone Baby Feeding Set with Suction for Baby and Toddler, Includes Spoon and Lid, First Feeding Set, Essential for Baby Led Weaning for Babies 4 Months, Marble

상품번호 B079WW35J6
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상품가격 $13.59
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BABY ESSENTIALS FOR BLW – Perfect for baby-led weaning, our First Feeding Set helps you transition your baby to self-feeding; the suction base keeps the bowl from sliding or flipping over; fits and sticks to most high chair trays and smooth tablesINCLUDES BOWL, SPOON AND LID – Bowl is designed with a curved handle that’s easily held by caregivers to help with feeding; easy-to-grip double-ended silicone spoon grows with baby – one end for dipping into purees, the other for scooping solid foodCONVENIENT FOR MEALTIME – Silicone can withstand low and high temperatures, easily transitioning from the refrigerator or freezer to the oven or microwave; oven-safe up to 400F/204C; top-rack dishwasher-safePLATINUM CURED SILICONE – Bumkins uses the highest quality curing process; It does not result in the creation of any by-products, ensuring you get the purest silicone; made from 100-percent food-safe siliconeABOUT PINCH TESTS – There is a lot of information out there about pinch tests as a way to tell if silicone has fillers; however, the pinch test is not a real scientific test and, therefore unreliableEASY TO CLEAN – Hand wash and top-rack dishwasher safe; may be boiled for deep cleaning; silicone can absorb scents, we recommend cleaning with unscented, natural detergent
The Silicone First Feeding Set helps you introduce solid foods and help babies learning to self-feeding. The suction base ensures the bowl sticks, keeping it from sliding or flipping over. Great for use on highchair trays or tables. To help suction and prevent skid, try dampening the bottom of the suction with just a little bit of water so it stays put! The easy-to-grip double-ended spoon grows with baby; one end is for dipping into purees and the other for scooping solid foods. The bowl is designed with a curved handle for caregivers to hold. The spoon is soft and safe for teething babies. The set includes a clear lid that fits securely and is ideal for saving leftovers. Silicone can withstand low and high temperatures, easily transitioning from the refrigerator or freezer to the oven or microwave to warm.Made with 100-percent food-safe platinum silicone. Microwaveable, freezer-safe and dishwasher-safe. Bowl is oven safe, up to 400F/204C. For ages 4 months and up. We use third party labs to ensure the products we manufacture comply with CPSC and CPSIA standards for BPA, Lead, and Phthalates. For over 30 years, Bumkins has been creating thoughtful essentials for babies and kids, making parenting easier so families can cherish special moments. Designed in Arizona, responsibly made in China.Starting with purees and traditional weaning means: Confidence in regulating how much your baby is eating and their nutritional intake; Less mess – purees get less distance when thrown.Skipping purees and jumping into self-feeding means: Independence – your little one has control over what they eat, promoting confidence and earlier expansion of their palate, often associated with less fussy eaters; Baby can often eat some of what you’re having, so you don’t have to make separate meals; They decide when they’re full – according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies have an innate ability to self-regulate their eating.

2024-06-07 13:16:07

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