해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Royalbaby Space Kids Bike 14 16 18 Inch Mg Aluminium Alloy Boys Girls Bicycle Ages 3-9 Years Disc Brakes Dual Handle Brakes Training Wheel Options

상품번호 B079XJYL5C
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상품가격 $223.99
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? FUTURISTIC LOOK - Every kid dreams about exploring the unknown outer space. Our never-grown-up designers bring this dream to life in this bike. The die-cast Mg Aluminum captures the streamlined shape of a spacecraft, without any solder join. A perfect choice for kids looking to outperform most bikes in the neighborhood.? CONSISTENT QUALITY - With millions of units sold in the past decade, our continuously iterating original design parts are recognized by families. The Magnesium bike is a combination of the flexible shape of carbon fiber and a weight reduction of aluminum, along with our reputable original parts; that\'s how we define our flagship series.? KIDS EXCLUSIVE - We redesigned all the significant components to fit the needs of children. The short-distance brake levers, sealed bearings, and dual disc brakes are all developed to make our bikes easier and hassle-free to own.? WEIGHT SAVING - A perfect combination of strength and functionality. We reduces the bike\'s overall weight by using a lighter Mg-Al Alloy frame. Compared to a bike equipped with these high-performance parts, the magnesium bike is relatively more lightweight.? ALWAYS RELIABLE - RoyalBaby bike complies with the CPSC standards, and is trusted by millions of families in more than 80 countries globally. Customers will be provided with high-level warranty and local 24 hours service when contacting RoyalBaby for any queries.

2020-05-11 19:37:51

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