해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
California Design Den Luxury 3 Piece Twin Sheet Set - 100% Cotton, 600 Thread Count Deep Pocket Twin Sheets, Soft Hotel Quality Bedding with Sateen Weave - Taupe

상품번호 B07B4WRKNN
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상품가격 $54.99
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Luxury Cotton Experience - Enjoy the softness of our certified 600 thread count sateen 100% cotton sheets on your mattress, providing a modern five-star hotel experience in your own bedroom. Our cooling and breathable luxury taupe twin sheet set is comfortable in all seasons.Perfect Fit Design - This 3-piece white sheet set twin includes 1 flat sheet (66"W x 100"L), 1 fitted sheet (39"W x 75"L), and 1 pillowcase (21"W x 32" L) that fit both standard and queen size pillows. The fitted sheet has a foot side indicator for easy bed making and durable elastic to fit mattresses 8 to 15 inches deep.Easy to Wash - Machine wash and dry our sheets at regular settings, and they\'ll come out looking great for years. Our durable twin size bed sheets won\'t pill, fade, or shrink, ensuring long-lasting quality. Perfect for college dorms or bedrooms.Health Benefits & Certified - Pure cotton is gentle on your skin, and our hotel luxury bed sheets set is cool & breathable, helping regulate body temperature for a more restful night\'s sleep. Our sheets are certified “Oekotex Standard 100”, tested for harmful substances to protect your health.Our Commitment - In 2022 & 2023, we donated over 22,000 pieces of bedding to local charities in the USA. We do not use plastic in our packaging, and our cotton cooling sheets are produced in our family-owned and operated factory in India. Each piece is inspected for quality, and we promise to replace any defective products at no cost to you. Buy with confidence with our 30-day return policy, even if you\'ve washed or used our product.

2024-05-15 04:25:43

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