해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tonareli Viola Oblong Fiberglass Case - Special Edition Checkered VAFO 1003 - Includes attachable music bag - Adjustable to over 18 inches

상품번호 B07BDGZ9XV
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상품구분 Musical Instruments / Instrument Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Tonareli Music Supply
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $429.00
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Adjustable to accommodate violas over 18", bout widths 11.25", case weighs 7.6 lbsTwo removable accessory pouches, four bow holders, high quality padded backpack straps included with locking carabiners and safety backup wireTwo padded handles, detachable music bag includedInterior black & red padding with diamond-pattern stitchingInstrument blanket, exterior dimensions 32" x 12" x 5.5", precision-made Tonareli case covers sold separately
Exceptional quality meets elegance. With years of experience in creating beautiful and sturdy cases, Tonareli has carefully crafted and designed the VAFO1003 Checkered viola case to meet the highest standards and demands of violists. An absolutely stunning checkered fiberglass shell not only protects your instrument from inclement weather and sudden temperature changes, but also gives the case a bright, crystalline and metallic finish. Its interior design features a beautifully padded black and red cushion with diamond-pattern stitching along the bottom of the case, and sturdy black padding on the sides to keep your viola nice and snug. The case can safely secure four bows, and it includes two removable accessory pouches. The exterior design features specially padded grips that are comfortable and easy on your fingers. There are two padded shoulder straps with hooks and safety wires, which are much more secure than regular clips. A completely redesigned music bag with screw attachment that can be easily removed and re-attached to the case. This case is truly a work of art that not only protects your beloved instrument, but also meets the highest standards and various demands of violists. Compatible with the Tonareli Viola Case Covers (sold separately) Features: Adjustable to fit any viola up to 18” Only weighs 7.6 lbs. Two padded shoulder straps with specially designed hooks and safety wires Two removable accessory pouches Four bow holders Outstanding insulation properties Uniquely padded handles Detachable music bag included Inside black and red padding with diamond-pattern stitching Protection blanket

2020-03-12 01:18:03

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