해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Diesel Oxygen Sensor Remover Tool Kit Set - 3 Piece Socket Set for Fuel Injectors - 22mm / 28mm Universal Injector SocketS Wrench Tool Kit for 02 Sensors - Professional Grade Removal Too

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브랜드 Brand: Jecr
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Removes stubborn (o2) oxygen sensors in secondsSide wire cutout makes it a breeze to install new sensorsFits the majority of oxygen sensors with its universal hex shape openingEasily installs oxygen sensors on most diesel vehiclesWorks perfectly for the tight spaces around the oxygen sensors
Our heavy duty 3 Piece Oxygen Sensor Set will remove and install hex vacuum switches and oxygen sensors on almost every vehicle easily. Designed with mechanics in mind, this socket set works perfectly for the tight spaces around the oxygen sensors. On the Vacuum Socket a side cutout allows you to easily slip the socket onto the sensor, preventing damage to wires. Constructed of vanadium and molybdenum steel for strength and durability with a black oxide finish to prevent rust and add longevity. Our heavy duty socket set removes and installs oxygen sensors on all diesel vehicles that are 22mm / 28mm in size Features a 6-point beveled nose design to grip sensor fasteners securely, preventing damage to the sensor. Built for use with ratchets and breakers bars to remove and install oxygen sensors and hex vacuum switches on vehicles Injector Socket 28mm x 1/2" Drive,used to remove diesel oxygen sensors. Long-Reach Vacuum Switch Socket 7/8" x 1/2" Drive,used to remove vacuum switches. Comes in a molded case for protection and easy transport Includes: 1/2 inch Dr. x 28mm(12 PT x 82L) 1/2 inch Dr. x 22mm(12 P x 80L) 1/2 inch Dr. x 22mm(6 PT x108L)

2024-05-16 17:27:41

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