해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Women's Seamless Racerback Sports Bra High Impact Support Yoga Gym Workout Fitness

상품번호 B07BK4YJSR
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
브랜드 Brand: BAOMOSI
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $37.99
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BAOMOSI Sports Bra Feature: High-support Support Pullover style Performance & Fabric Perfect for spinning, kickboxing and circuit training Nylon performance fabric with 4-way stretch Sleek,stretchy fabric is wicking,breathable Lightweight,super soft,smooth,stretchy Removable cups for extra coverage Racerback gives maximum freedom of movement Benefits of Sports Bras: Sports bras are best for support during exercise.They are important for maintaining the integrity of the breast wall and the shape of the breast.Too much intense movement can cause ligaments surrounding the breasts to stretch and tear.Much of this damage is irreversible,and it causes drooping,sagging breasts;however,the right sports bra offers enough support to prevent this condition from occurring prematurely. Minimize Movement Whether running on a treadmill or playing a sport, a sports bra helps minimize the movement of your breasts. Band-like compression-style sports bras hold the breasts tightly to your chest and are well-suited for small to medium-sized breasts. The encapsulated-style sports bra more closely resembles a regular bra. Important details: Sides and back have two-way stretch for free-moving ease without ride-up. Wide, comfy straps adjust in back for supportive custom fit. In order to get a More Suitable Bra, Please Check The Size Guide as following: S Fit 30A 30B 30C 30D 32A 32B 32C M Fit 32D 32DD 34A 34B 34C 36A 36B L Fit 34DD 34DDD 36B 36C 36D 38A 38B XL Fit 36DD 36DDD 38C 38D 38DD 40A 40B 2XL Fit 38DDD 40C 40D 42A 42B 42C 44A 3XL Fit 40DD 42DDD 42D 42DD 44B 44C 44D 44DD

2024-07-10 17:43:34

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