해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BESSEY KRE3531 PAIR 31" K Body REVO Parallel Bar Clamp Now With Hex Key Clamping

상품번호 B07BTD8TZW
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상품가격 33.99
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Two (2) 31" KRE3531 clamps: 31" of clamping capacity, a 3-3/4" throat depth, a 10" to 36-1/2" spreading capacity, and up to 1700 lbs. of clamping force!Newly-designed 2-part handle can receive a hex key or driver in its end to provide more clamping force if desired, or just easier clamping for those who have issues with wrist strength.Improved operating jaw design means once you put it in place, it stays in place and is ready for clamping.Comes equipped with three removable pressure caps for the clamping surfaces that are glue-, paint-, and solvent-resistant and help provide protection for delicate work-pieces; and two adjustable and removable work-piece supports on the bar prevent any contact between the bar and your project.Easily converts to spreader without tools!
PAIR of KRE3531 parallel bar clamps! BESSEY\'s K Body REVOlution parallel bar clamp has been redesigned to provide you with easier and more powerful clamping force than their previous model -- up to 1700 lbs! The new and improved operating jaw stays where you put it for easier set up; simply position the jaw where you want it and apply desired clamping force. Another new feature of this clamp is a steel socket running through the ergonomic handle that is designed to receive a hex key or driver on its end to provide more clamping force if desired (max torque 17Nm). Additionally, the jaws, which are designed to clamp at a 90-degree angle to the rail, provide a larger clamping surfaces than in the previous model and come with three removable pressure caps that are glue-, paint-, and solvent-resistant. Two adjustable and removable work-piece supports on the bar prevent any contact between the bar and your project. The K Body REVOlution is easy to operate! To close and clamp your work-piece, tilt the handle down toward the rail, slide the jaw toward your work-piece, and tighten. Once positioned, the operating jaw will stay in place and provide you the clamping power you need, right where you need it. To remove the clamp, release the clamping pressure, and then simply pivot the handle up and away from the rail to slide the jaw away. Need a spreader? Simply remove the rail end clip, slide off the operating jaw and slide it back into the bar in the reverse position to give spreading support to your project, no tools required! To maximize the potential of this clamp, consider purchasing the optional pivoting jaws (KR-AS) for your tapered work-piece clamping needs, and/or Bessey\'s framing blocks (KP Blocks) that, with four clamps, allow you to apply even clamping force at all four corners of your work-piece! KRE3531 specs: 31" clamping capacity; 3-3/4" throat depth; 1700 lbs. of clamping force; 10" to 36-1/2" spreading capacity.

2024-02-13 18:36:43

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