해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LifeStride Women's, Adley Boot

상품번호 B07CR6R6XW
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
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상품가격 $39.49
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A bootie with all the right details. Slip into the ultra-comfy adley bootie from LifeStride. Faux leather upper with a round toe, slip-on fit, and wraparound strap detail with metallic buckle accent. Soft system® comfort package provides all-day support, flex, and cushioning. A plush layer of velocity with memory foam® cradles your foot. Traction sole provides you with extra stability. Just right height 1 and 1/4 inch heel. From fashion boots to dress shoes to comfortable casuals, LifeStride has you covered with the most current looks and must-have styles. What you want, what you need, what you can\'t live without. Each season LifeStride delivers on the latest trends with a dynamic attitude and distinctive flair. From the sophisticated appeal of a high-heel dress shoe to the wear-everywhere versatility of a casual boot, LifeStride has the essential looks no wardrobe should be without. When it comes to women\'s shoes, there\'s more to LifeStride than meets the eye. What you can\'t see is the comfort. Soft insoles, smooth linings, and easy-flexing soles provide comfort you can enjoy all day and into the evening. Plus, LifeStride\'s selection of sizes and widths ensures you\'ll find the perfect fit. No matter what the looks or details of the moment may be, these are shoes with sought-after styles at the great prices you\'ve grown to love.

2024-02-13 20:46:48

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