해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dreambaby Savoy Bed Rail Guard - Toddlers Bed Rails with Safety Anchors - Fits Up to Queen Size Mattress - Measures 43 inches Wide & 18 inches Tall - Model L720

상품번호 B07CWZ4KLV
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상품가격 $44.99
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Polyester/MetalImportedSUITABLE FOR FLAT BED BASES: The Dreambaby Savoy Bed Rail fits up to a queen-size mattress and can be used on platform bed bases, making it a great solution for almost any home or childCONVENIENT FOLD DOWN FEATURES: It has a simple fold down feature for convience during bedtime storytime or when making the bedEXTRA WIDE AND EXTRA TALL DESIGN: The Dreambaby Savoy Bed Rail measures 43.25" wide and 18" tall. Suitable for children 18 months and older. NOTE: NOT SUITABLE FOR BEDS WITH RECESSED MATTRESSESBREATHABLE MESH COVER: The bed rail has a fabric and mesh cover that is removable and machine washable, so it’s super simple to keep cleanSAFETY ANCHORS: Dreambaby Savoy Bed Rail has anchors that securely hold the bed rail in place, providing parents and guardians with greater peace of mind
Dreambaby Savoy Bed Rail is perfect for helping children stay safer when transitioning from a crib to a bed. The extra wide 43 inch width and extra tall 18 inch height will give your child the confidence and security they need to make the transition as easy as possible. Suitable for flat beds and fits up to Queen size mattress. Features a removable, washable cover and convenient fold down side- perfect for getting tucked in and story time. Easy and quick assembly required & travel bag included for overnight stays.

2024-05-15 04:07:42

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