해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hyke & Byke Antero 0 F Hiking & Camping Hammock Sleeping Bag - 4 Season, 800FP Goose Down Sleeping Bag - Ultralight, Black/Clementine - 87in - Long

상품번호 B07CZQL6HB
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상품가격 $234.97
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Inner and outer nylon shell with vertical baffles that allow the adjustment of the 800 fill power insulation to move where the fill is needed the most.0 Degree Sleeping Bag for Camping: Perfect winter hammock sleeping bag features WR 800 fill power goose down insulation with a revolutionary microscopic ClusterLoft base to keep you warm from 0 - 30 FHiking Gear: Designed for thru-hiking, backpacking and camping, this ultralight sleeping bag boasts superior weight-to-warmth ratio at only 3.71 lbs for Long; Sleeping bag stuff sack includedHydrophobic Water Repellent: DWR-Coated camping sleeping bags for adults feature 400T 20 D ripstop nylon fabric liner, 2 large YKK zippers with anti-snag sliders, velcro, drawstring & vertical bafflesPortable Hammock: Don\'t sacrifice comfort! The longest mummy sleeping bag will fit a 6ft 6in person, with wide shoulders and a roomy foot box; Warm but ultralight, 4 season winter sleeping bagHyke & Byke Sleeping Bags: USA-based brand offers premium quality camping gear collection of adult & kids sleeping bags, camping tents & sleeping pods for all your adventures in the great outdoors

2023-04-28 02:39:21

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