해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wild Republic Mermaid Figurines Fivepiece Collection Polybag, Mermaid Toys, Mermaid Doll, Gifts for Girls, Bath Toys, Model:21510

상품번호 B07D5QLT53
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상품가격 $21.96
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Great value: This collection consists of five completely different hand painted mermaid toysInspires creativity: ideal educational toys, school projects, dioramas, themed birthday parties, cake decorations, cupcake toppers, kids room décorLarge size: Approximate mermaid sizes are 4.5 to 5.5”. Package Dimensions: 8” L x 1” W x 11” HPerfect water toys: mermaid toys for the pool, bathtub toys, lake toys and beach toysSafe product: for ages 3 and up. Made of phthalate-free and lead-free materials. These Mermaids are easy to clean with soap and water
In old English, “Mer” means “sea” and “Maid” means “Woman”. that would translate to “women of the sea”. your child can fantasize about mythical creatures with Wild Republic mermaid poly bag. Enjoy hours of play with these durable mermaid colorful figures. These mermaid figurines measurements are mermaid with blue hair and pink tail 5.5”, Mermaid with blonde hair and blue tail 5”, Mermaid with red hair and purple tail 5.5”, Mermaid with green hair and yellow tail 4.5” and mermaid with blue hair and blue tail 4.5” Wild Republic has been a leader in developing animal-related educational toys and plush for kids since 1979, With a unique specialization in realistic animals. Perfect for creative play, educational materials, party favors, and decorations. Purchase this quality item because it will give your child years of play value.

2024-07-10 05:47:01

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