해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Womens and Mens Kids Water Shoes Barefoot Quick-Dry Aqua Socks for Beach Swim Surf Yoga Exercise

상품번호 B07DHLMQN3
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상품가격 $11.88
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100% SyntheticRubber soleMORE SIZE OPTIONS: Compared with other water shoes in Amazon, we have more size options from children to adults. In order to help people with big feet buy suitable water shoes, we produce and sell larger sizes -13-13.5 M US Men (EU48/49).UPDATED STYLE CHOICES: We continue to design new style of water shoes, and constantly update our color. If you are looking for the latest style of water shoes, please come here and add us to the wishlist, your favorite is the next style.Ultra Lightweight: Super lightweight and flexible, make you feel great freedom and comfortable in wearing.Lightweight and compressible for easy packing,convenience for leisure or any other sport activities.PERFECT MATERIAL: 92% polyester+8% spandex Upper. Breathable Ultra Light fabrics with fine stretch on uppers, flexible and comfortable. Smooth designed neck prevents chafing when wearing our water shoes. FOOT SAFETY -- Wearable and top-quality rubber sole, which protects your feet from being hurt by sharp objects. With an ergonomically molded, shock absorption performance cushioning separated protective toe.OCCASION: You can use the shoes in many occasions,such as:water park,water class,cruise,hanging out,aqua zumba,aqua therapy,water park employees,waterfall hikes,etc.Take our shoes when you go to vacation.when you go to Hawaii,Mexico,Costa Rica ,Caribbean,Xplor Park,any famous place when you enjoy you free time.

2020-03-14 08:22:30

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