해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RS1000 12” 80 Tooth 1" Bore -2 Hook 1/8" Kerf Miter Saw Blade

상품번호 B07DT1X65D
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: Ridge Carbide Tool Co.
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $169.95
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Top Rated miter blade by Fine Home Building.The RS1000 miter and radial arm saw blade produce tight, perfectly cut miter joints with no bottom splinters.RS1000 blades work with all brands of chop, miter and radial arm saws.Made with super-hard C-4 carbide for long life between sharpening.You will be amazed with the extra-smooth, tight miter cuts you will get with this blade.
The RS1000 has heavier than normal steel body plate and maintains maximum stability for the best cut. You won’t find this kind of quality with miter blades sold in BIG BOX home centers. The 5 degree negative face hook also adds to optimum rigidity and very clean cuts The Ridge Carbide Miter Saw Blade is the top rated all purpose cross cut blade by Fine Home Building Magazine. It is the perfect blade for your radial arm saw, chop saw, and compound miter saws. These blades will produce scratch free polished cuts on all materials. It will reduce jump in on your radial arm saw and will give you better pull control while also eliminating bottom splintering on radial crosscuts. The 80 teeth on this saw blade are ground from C4 micro grain carbide, and go through a four step shaping and sharpening process. This process finishes with a 1200 grit pass to create razor sharp edges. These blades can be re-sharpened 20 - 25 times because of their increased thickness of the carbide. Low cost blades have a .010” radial or side clearance to keep irregular teeth from rubbing on the sides of the cut. These blades are so accurate that the radial clearance is reduced to a mere .001” which dramatically improves the smoothness of the finished.

2020-05-09 21:48:59

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