해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HOEAAS 2 Pack Microfiber Camping Towels, Quick Dry Towel, Super Absorbent Ultra Compact Travel Towel Soft Lightweight Sports Towel for Sweat Fast Drying Towels for Pool,Gym,Hiking,Backpacking,Fitness

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상품가격 $8.99
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80% Polyester 20% NylonSUPER ABSORBENT & QUICK DRYING: Microfiber camping towel is made of soft and skin-friendly microfiber fabrics, which super absorbent and fast drying. Soaks up 5X its weight in water and dries nearly 10X faster than cotton towel, repeat use it a short time, no bad odors. What\'s more surprising is that you never have to worry about your microfiber beach towels soiling or stinking up the rest of your gear. After dry your sweat or body water, Spread out or hang up the quick dry towel will be dry.SOFT COMFORTABLE & SAND PROOF: This travel towel are made from luxurious soft microfiber which is smooth, soft and no any abnormal smell. Gives your skin a dry feeling and can be used as a sun shade to protect your skin against the sun. The oversized beach towel aslo sand-proof. When you play on the beach, microfiber towel doesn\'t stick to the sand. Whether you use as a gym towels, camping towel, hand towel, face towel, sweat towel or even as survival gear and equipment.LIGHTWEIGHT & EASY TO CARRY: Each quick dry towel set with a breathable carry bag and snap hook on the quick-release buckle provides a handy attachment point. The microfiber cloth material makes camping towel very thin. Large size but still super compact, portable and convenient. It can be rolled up small when you don\'t need to use it. The compact travel towel will nicely fit in your gym bag or backpack. Ideal for outdoor, camping, gym, yoga, hiking, backpacking, fitness and workout.GREAT OPTIONS & EASY HANG LOOP: Each microfiber towels with a hanging snap loop so it is convenient hanging for quick dry anywhere without blew away. S (2pcs 32 x 16 inch),used as face towel or workout towel to dry off sweat or water. M (40 x 20inch+24 x 12inch) is perfect for sport towel to around your neck. L (48 x 28inch+24 x 12inch), used as bath towel or gym towels. XL(60 x 30inch+24 x 12inch) and XXL towel (72 x 32inch+24 x 12inch) is an ideal choice for a yoga mat or a beach blanket.MULTI-FUCNTIONAL QUICK DRY TOWEL & GIFT IDEA: Lightweight and compact microfiber towel for travel is super versatile for any situation. Such as backpacking, travel, camping, hiking, swimming, yoga, golf, gym, fitness, exercise. Perfect for covers your sun lounger, deck chair or camping undera beach umbrella&sun shelter. The travel towel also looks really fashionable and sporty, which makes it a great gift idea for your family and friends. Of course, if you have any problem, please contact us.

2024-09-30 20:34:21

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