해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Inus N21 Electric Heated Bidet Toilet Seat Elongated, Warm Water, Smart Heated Water Luxury Bidet Toilet Seat with Kids Mode, Self Cleaning Nozzle, Tankless, Smart Touch Panel & Temperature Control

상품번호 B07DYFLTC9
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상품가격 $261.00
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EASY INSTALLATION: Installing your heated bidet toilet seat elongated model is a breeze, with all parts and comprehensive instructions included. You don\'t need a plumber – the easy DIY installation takes under 30 minutes, granting you immediate access to a world of comfort. Upgrade your bathroom experience today with the ultimate blend of comfort, hygiene, and modern luxury.COMFORT & HYGIENE: With our cutting-edge bidet electric toilet seat, this elongated toilet bidet seat boasts a tankless/direct water system that seamlessly balances gentle yet powerful cleansing, ensuring an effective clean every time. Say goodbye to the worries of dirt, stains, and buildup as our bidet extracts water precisely when needed, enhancing the longevity of your toilet seat.PERSONALIZED WASH: Heated water bidet toilet seat with a remote that lets you tailor your cleansing experience to perfection. With a simple touch, take command of your bidet\'s heated water and seat temperature settings, offering personalized comfort like never before. Adjust the nozzle position and water pressure to match your preferences, enjoying a refreshing and soothing clean.SANITARY: Crafted with sophistication in mind, our bidet toilet seat elongated design integrates a state-of-the-art stainless steel nozzle. This self-cleaning nozzle not only ensures durability but also resists corrosion and rust, elevating cleanliness to new heights. Embrace the fusion of form and function, where aesthetic appeal meets unrivaled performance.ECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN: Step into a realm of modern living that revolves around luxury and convenience. Our heated bidet toilet seat elongated\'s soft-close mechanism adds a touch of elegance to any bathroom theme, while its seamless design exudes sleekness. Experience the joy of reducing your ecological footprint and cutting down on expenses, thanks to the eco mode feature that saves both toilet paper and electricity, redefining your daily routine.

2024-05-15 19:38:26

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