해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Laser Level Self Leveling-Red Beam Cross Line Laser Leveler Tool-1 Horizontal and 4 Vertical Leveling Laser Lines-Self Leveling Laser Level for Construction/Picture Hanging

상품번호 B07F5V1X5T
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상품가격 $69.99
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✅ 【3D Full Layout with 5 Lines】 The Inspiritech TR-5LP-1 cross-line laser level is able to produce 1 horizontal and 4 vertical laser lines, either individually or at the same time,covering the floor, walls and ceiling all around your working spaces. Compared to the ordinary 2-line laser levels, this 5-line laser level gives more lines and more extended reach.Two 360°vertical lines cross at 90°on the ceiling helps users quickly visualize and finish the square layouts on the ceiling.✅ 【Self-Leveling & Manual Mode】TR-5LP-1 is a self-leveling laser level that automatically finds and maintains a level when placed on an inclined surface within 3 °. It indicates with flashing and beeping for inclines over 3°. The supporting feet under the base can be adjusted to enable the laser level to work properly on an uneven surface.The Manual Mode will lock the pendulum so it can be positioned at any angle to project non-level straight lines without indications.✅ 【Multifunctional Leveling Tool】 The 360° rotary base allows users to adjust the projection direction of the horizontal line, making it possible for 360° horizontal leveling around the room. This enables you to line up the exact horizontal and vertical coordinates of your project with ease, making your job quicker and easier. Using the plumb dot under the unit and the cross point of lines on the ceiling, this laser level also projects up&down centered points on the floor and ceiling.✅ 【 Projects and Professions Benefit From TR-5LP-1 】 With the great brightness, powerful features and high accuracy, the TR-5LP-1 provides solutions for a wide range of applications. It can be used for hanging pictures at home. Carpenters, plumbers, electricians architects, interior designers, project managers, surveyors and other trades can also enjoy the benefit for construction , decoration , installation and manufacturing industries as it provides an easy to follow, straight guide.✅ 【What You Get and Warranty Covered】 1x 4V1H1D Red Beam Laser Level, 1x DC 100-240V Charger, 1xRechargeable Lithium battery, 1x Goggle for Red Beam Lasers, 1x User Manual, 1x Carrying Bag. Each Inspiritech laser level comes with a 12-month limited warranty, Your satisfaction and enjoyable shopping experience is always the top priority we pursue. Our service team is always ready for a 7x24h full time support. Contact us now for any questions.

2024-05-16 07:45:49

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