해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Johnsons Johnson's Moisturizing Baby Lotion With Coconut Oil, 1.7 Fl. Oz, 1.70 Oz

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상품구분 Baby Products / Baby Care
브랜드 Brand: Johnson & Johnson
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $5.39
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Johnson"s Baby Mild Pink Moisturizing Lotion with coconut oil for dry, delicate baby skinGentle & mild baby lotion nourishes & moisturizes to help maintain baby"s healthy-looking skinHydrating lotion enriched with the naturally derived ingredient coconut oil for delicate baby skinThe hypoallergenic formula of this baby lotion is 100% gentle & free of dyes, parabens & phthalatesPediatrician- & dermatologist-tested, the lotion is perfectly pH-balanced for baby"s delicate skin
Nourish your little ones skin with Johnsons Pink Baby Lotion with coconut oil. Gentle enough for babies and suitable for the whole family, this pink baby lotion with the naturally derived ingredient coconut oil hydrates babys dry, delicate skin. The lotion is specially formulated to moisturize to help maintain babys healthylooking skin. Dermatologist and pediatriciantested, the improved formula of this pink baby body lotion is designed with input from parents like you. It is hypoallergenic, free of parabens, phthalates and dyes and is 100% gentle and mild. Johnsons Baby Lotion can be used as part of a regular skin care routine by massaging into skin after a bath or any time baby has dry skin. Features. Johnsons Baby Mild Pink Moisturizing Lotion with coconut oil for dry, delicate baby skin. Gentle mild baby lotion nourishes moisturizes to help maintain babys healthylooking skin. Hydrating lotion enriched with the naturally derived ingredient coconut oil for delicate baby skin. The hypoallergenic formula of this baby lotion is 100% gentle free of dyes, parabens phthalates. Pediatrician dermatologisttested, the lotion is perfectly pHbalanced for babys delicate skin. Johnsons Pink Baby Body Lotion is gentle enough for babies is suitable for the whole family. Designed with input from parents like you, baby body lotion can be used to help moisturize babys has dry skin. Baby lotion can be used as part of a regular skin care routine by massaging into skin after a bathInstructions. To Use After a warm bath with Johnsons baby moisture wash, gently massage lotion over entire body.Specifications. Size 1.7 oz. Age Group Infant. Assembled Product Dimensions L x W x H 0.95 x 2.07 x 4.11 Inches. Form Lotions. Gender Unisex. Scent Floral. Skin Care Key Benefits Moisturizing. Skin Type Dry. Stop Use Indications Safety Tip Keep out of reach of children

2025-01-07 15:27:48

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