해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Just Artifacts 12 Assorted 10" Chinese Paper Lanterns (Multi-Color, 10-inch, Set of 12)

상품번호 B07G9M7SYT
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상품가격 19.99
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Versatile and Stylish: String together these paper lanterns and add lights to create charming Chinese-style lamps, instantly brightening up your indoor or outdoor parties.Mix and Match: Perfect for birthday parties, weddings, baby showers, and more, these lanterns can be combined with other paper products to create a cohesive and festive atmosphere.Extensive Decor Collection: Explore Just Artifacts store for a wide variety of party decorations including hanging paper lanterns, tissue paper pom poms, honeycomb balls, tissue fans, paper pinwheels, table runners, coasters, treat bags, party paper plates, table linens, wooden cutlery, crepe paper, and much more.Easy Assembly and Hanging: With straightforward assembly instructions, these lanterns can be quickly set up and effortlessly hung, allowing you to focus on enjoying your event without any hassle.Twelve (12) Just Artifacts 10-inch paper lanterns in the following colors: Red, Magenta, Hot Pink, Orange, Pineapple Yellow, Pale Yellow, Green, Seafoam, Sky Blue, Navy Blue, Blue, and Royal PurplePlease note: LED lights are not includedAll paper lanterns are measured in diameter

2024-09-05 03:37:55

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