해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BEN'S ORIGINAL Ready Rice Jasmine Rice, Easy Dinner Side, 8.5 OZ Pouch (Pack of 6)

상품번호 B07GBJ2D23
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상품가격 $8.06
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Microwave rice pouch that provides a delicious substitute for white rice, brown rice, or wild rice in just 90 secondsContains 100% authentic Thai rice that tastes great as a cooked rice side dish or as part of a savory main coursePair this long grain rice with your favorite Southeast Asian cuisine entrees or serve it plainMicrowave this rice for 90 seconds or thoroughly heat it in a skillet before serving
BEN\'S ORIGINAL Ready Rice Jasmine Rice provides a delicious substitute for white rice, brown rice, or wild rice in just 90 seconds. Great as a cooked rice side dish or part of a savory main course, this microwave rice offers 100% authentic Thai rice that is perfect for satisfying your desire for Southeast Asian food. This long grain rice comes in a BPA-free microwaveable rice pouch that eliminates prep and cleanup, making it easier than ever to create a globally-inspired meal. For effortless cooking, microwave this rice for 90 seconds or thoroughly heat it in a skillet before serving. Pair this rice with your favorite Southeast Asian cuisine entrees or serve it plain. This Jasmine rice is vegetarian, very low in sodium and fat, and contains no artificial flavors, no artificial colors, no preservatives, or cholesterol. BEN\'S ORIGINAL is dedicated to creating meals and experiences that offer everyone a seat at the table.

2025-01-12 01:28:34

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