해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cutlery-Pro Melon Baller Set, Soft-Grip Non-Slip Handle, 18/8 Stainless Steel, 10/15 and 22/30-Millimeter Scoops

상품번호 B07GSRPL6J
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상품가격 $19.99
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Cutlery-Pro Melon Ballers scoop perfectly round, uniform-sized spheres to create beautiful fruit salads, garnishes, cocktail toppers, and moreMade with 18/8 stainless steel and santoprene; will never rust or become dull; set of 2 melon ballers (10/15 and 22/30-millimeter scoops)Quickly scoop melon, dragon fruit, papaya, squash, butter, spreads, ice cream, sherbet, and moreSoft-grip non-slip handle offers a comfortable, secure grip even when hands are wet; ideal for preparing everyday meals and entertainingSturdy and durable; compact for easy storage; easy to use and clean; dishwasher safe, hand wash recommended for better edge and surface care
Cutlery-pro’s melon ballers scoop perfectly round melon balls that are uniform in size and shape for creating beautiful fruit salads and decorative garnishes. Helpful additions to kitchen utensils and party supplies for effortless entertaining. Set includes 2 dual-end melon ballers for scooping smaller 10 and 15-Millimeter melon balls and larger 22 and 30-millimeter melon balls. The non-slip handles allow for effortless scooping and a secure grip, even when hands are wet. Easily scoop every delicious bite from melons, create decorative Fruit salads, garnishes, salad toppings, cocktail skewers, even hollowed out cupcakes to be filled with cream and icing. Compact for easy storage. Since 1981, Cutlery-Pro has been manufacturing professional chef knives of the highest quality and producing the broadest line of cutlery for professional chefs worldwide. This tradition of excellence in material and workmanship is now available to the home chef. Made from 18/8 Stainless Steel with a non-slip grip, cutlery-pro’s melon ballers are durable, comfortable to use and easy to clean. Hand wash in warm, soapy water. Brought to you by HIC Harold Import Co.

2024-02-13 11:51:06

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