해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mosquito Net Round Lace Curtain Dome Bed Canopy Netting for Single to King Size Beds,Camping (Blue)

상품번호 B07GVG1BRX
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Bedding
브랜드 Brand: DAYSTART
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $9.99
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Made of fine poly mesh, soft, light, strong and stretchy, comfortable to use.This mosquito net come with fine mesh fabric which can keep the terrible and annoy flying bugs/mosquitoes/insects outside!Our mosquito bed net is ideal for both indoor or outdoor uses, great for camping, patio and entertaining use.With the hanging kit,only takes seconds to hang the hoop from the ceiling and adjust the net, anyone could do it,easy to move from room to room.Suitable for Single bed and Queen bed Width below 5.2ft/1.6m,(5.9ft/1.8 m bed can be used but the effect not beautiful).
Description: Universal dome mosquito net. Polyester material canopy. Ultra lightweight. You can try decorating with fairy lights, the net will be more beautiful. Ideal for both indoor or outdoor uses. Specifications: Color: white, blue, pink, beige yellow, purple, light pink, green, light blue Ring diameter: 24inch / 60cm Height: 8.2ft / 250cm Circumference of Bottom: 30ft / 900cm Package included: 1 x Elegant Lace Bed Canopy Note: Please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement and make sure you do not mind before ordering. The color of the actual items may slightly vary from the above images due to different computer screen, thanks for your understanding.

2024-07-10 14:49:51

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