해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
chiphy Floor Lamp, 39"(XS) Tall Lamp with Remote Control, Dimmable 10 Levels Color Temperature, 12W/2 LED Bulbs 2400 Lumens, Purple Fabric Lampshade, Home Decor for Living Room, Bedroom, Kids Room

상품번호 B07H5FVDYV
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상품가격 $48.99
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?Choose your light effect: The brightness and color temperature(2500k-6500k) of Smart Bulbs can be adjustable. Choose the right color temperatures to better study/sleep /read/feed. Use the led floor lamp in the bedroom/study room/Living Room. Making the surrounding area more beautiful and making the mood better.?Patented floor lamp: The unique design standing lamp complements your room quietly with its delicate appearance. Create a sweet atmosphere and match it with any decor. The remote control lamp with 12W*2 bulbs provides a soft light for your room.?Two controls way innovative standing lamp: With the remote control, you can control the floor lamp easily without leaving the bed and sofa within a distance of 49.3ft/15m range. The foot switch design allows turn on/off with just one step on, hands-free. It also has a 30/60min timer function will be more convenient for our life.?Energy-save and Easy to install: The light has a lifetime of up to 50,000 hours at the right current and voltage, which means lower maintenance and replacement costs, totally saving money and energy. The bright lamp is easy to assemble within 5 mins, no additional tools are required. (Note: follow the instruction slowly and carefully.)❤️Stylish & Modern Design: Dimmable floor lamp has a UL certification and is made of Dupont Tyvek and Stainless Steel for enhanced stability and durability, a light base makes these column floor lamps safe for children. Great heat dissipation and light divergence performance. If anything goes wrong with your corner lamp, please contact us to get the best solution.

2024-05-15 07:04:20

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