해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Steampunk Octopus Brooch Pin Octopus Goth Jewelry Best Friends Pin,Octopus Pin Octopus Jewelry Octopus Brooch Fashion Style Sea Life Jewelry,RN237

상품번호 B07H8BJ1X8
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
브랜드 Brand: MERHOPL
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 12.99
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Materials: alloy materialBrooch Size :20mm,Handmade itemCondition: 100% brand new, Glass Cabochon Diameter: 20mmCharm Brooch,color:the same as the picture,Weight:20gAn Elegant Brooch for your groom, husband, father, Groomsmen, Friends which marks a significant days!!!
Materials: alloy material,Brooch Size :20mm,Handmade item. Condition: 100% brand new, Glass Cabochon Diameter: 20mm.Charm Brooch,color:the same as the picture,Weight:20g.I use only quality and safe materials in my work. Nickel-free, lead-free.Your parcels will be send with tracker number. Thus, you can monitor the movement of your parcel. Stylish, Simple, Classy and Personal. Well made and sturdy. workmanship are very nice.Creating a lasting and memorable gift. Really handsome men\'s jewelry!Personalized Design Brooch! They look great and you will received a lot of compliments in anywhere.All jewelry I do by myself, if you need individualny order, please contact me.

2024-02-13 17:16:04

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