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Military Gift Shop US Air Force Playing Cards & Dice in Keepsake Box - USAF Rank Insignia Cards - Air Force Gifts | Disabled Vet Owned Business | Air Force Card Set

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상품가격 $39.21
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PERFECT FOR GAME NIGHT: Set includes two decks of cards and five dice. Perfect for your poker or game night. The wooden box features a beautiful a 3D Metal USAF emblem.EXCLUSIVE U.S. AIR FORCE DESIGN: The card backs feature the Air Force logo, and instead of traditional card faces, ours display Air Force rank insignia – Airmen through Brigadier General. These cards are great for retired, active, and current military members.GREAT GIFT FOR USAF VETERANS: Show your love for our Air Force with this unique set. Perfect for retirement gifts or as a keepsake for active members. It\'s a great way to show your appreciation to the men and women who proudly serve.HIGH QUALITY: Durable cards and dice made from quality materials for years of fun and sharing with your friends and family. The stained wood box doubles as a decoration peace and conversation starter.?️ SERVICE DISABLED MARINE VET OWNED: With a team of armed service veterans and military spouses so you know you will get top quality and 100% customer satisfaction. Support other military families with your purchase! Semper Fi!

2025-01-09 00:36:35

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