해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dometic Blizzard NXT 15,000 BTU Rooftop Air Conditioner with Heat Pump, Ducted or Non-Ducted Application. Comes with Pre-Installed Multizone CCC II Control Board

상품번호 B07JY2F224
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상품가격 $1,633.20
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Dometic H551816AXX1J0 Blizzard NXT RV Rooftop Heat Pump with Control Box - 15,000 BTU, BlackItem Package Dimension: 44.99L x 33.99W x 14.99H inchesItem Package Weight - 111.99 PoundsItem Package Quantity - 1Product Type - AIR CONDITIONER
Dometic’s Blizzard NXT RV Rooftop Air Conditioner and Heat Pump not only looks great, its highly efficient operation makes cooling air easy! It has a powerful motor and fan, providing industry-leading 350 CFM airflow and advanced engineering that maximizes airflow around the evaporator coils for better and more efficient cooling performance. The aerodynamic design will minimize the drag from air resistance while the vehicle is in motion. It is made with a composite base pan and injection-molded shroud that are both UV stable and rated for high impact resistance. Strategically placed foam insulation and an integrated blower housing minimizes heat transfer so cooler air is produced and maintained. The expanded polypropylene (EPP foam) construction provides better insulation, and reduces weight and unwanted condensation. Use of heavy sheet metal is minimized to improve performance and eliminate noise issues. Vibration isolation components also reduce sound to a minimum ensuring you re not disturbed by the noise of your air conditioner. The Blizzard NXT is robust and durable meaning it will supply refreshing, cool air in your RV for many years.

2024-07-10 20:25:26

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